Email hosting from a state of the art Rochester web design firm could be the best thing for anyone that is looking for an easy way to keep in touch with their customers. Email hosting services are typically an easy, scalable and affordable way to provide email addresses to several different accounts. With the help of a high quality Rochester web design company, anyone can look forward to email hosting that is reliable, fast and secure.
To this day, email remains one of the most popular online activities. The Pew Internet and American Life Project determined that 92 percent of adults that go online use email. Companies that want to use this service for themselves safely should work with a Rochester web development and email hosting provider that can protect them with a 128 bit encryption, which today is the industry standard. Any data sent to or from a server during a users session will be completely secure.
The first spam email was sent on May 3, 1978. Meant to advertise a brand new computer system, it was sent to approximately 600 ARPANET users whose email addresses had been entered in manually from a document that someone printed out. Thankfully, the right email hosting provider can help their clients out by protecting them from spam mail. A business with more than 1,000 employees may end up spending an astounding $3 million a year trying to manage and stop spam.
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