How Can You DIY Your Reroofing Project – House Killer

Learn to install yourself roofing or whether you should rely on a professional roofing company. This video will demonstrate how to set up your roof before replacing it.
It will provide an instruction step-by-step which will show you the steps to complete re-roofing from beginning to finish. Furthermore, you’ll be able to see the process of removing the old roof can be done and how to install your new roof by using roofing shingles. It is a labor-intensive process, but this is well-worth it. and you’ll transform an old roof into a practical and attractive roof.
Prior to beginning the project you will need to check the safety gears like gloves, eye protection and knee pads etc. Also, you will require a clear plastic wrapping, plastic cement gun staple, coiled roofing nails, a hammer various roofing papers and an air compressor that has a hose, measuring tape, different types of blades, roofing nailers, roofing shingles. Once you’ve collected everything you require and are ready to call the most reputable roofing contractor in your area and ask his to check the roof. He’ll show you what is necessary to be done. Watch the complete video to learn more.

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