Top Five Facts You Should Know About the Defense Base Act

Workers compensation lawyers

Workers Compensation was put in place to protect workers who were hurt on the job in the United States. Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation and the Defense Base Act were created several decades ago in order to protect those who work in the maritime professions and as independent contractors. Here are a few reasons to hire Defense base act attorneys to help you with expatriate compensation.

1. The Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation Act, also know as the LHWCA, provides protection to approximately 500,000 workers who are injured or contract occupational diseases occurring on the navigable waters of the United States and those around it.

2. Sometimes Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation benefits are paid through an authorized insurance carrier. One of the best ways to navigate these kinds of claims is to hire a Defense base act lawyer to help you.

3. The Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation Act provides over 747 million dollars in monetary, medical, and vocational rehabilitation benefits.

4. Did you know that there are upwards of 155,000 contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan alone? There are many thousands more supporting operations around the globe who are not covered under traditional workers compensation. this is where the Defense Base Act comes in to take up the slack. Hiring a Defense Base Act lawyer

5. The current maximum wage replacement rate for Longshore and harbor workers compensation is 1,295.20 dollars per week.

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